Monday, December 23, 2019

Auditing Profession - Example - 1610 Words

Auditing is the accumulation and evaluation of evidence about information to determine and report on the degree of correspondence between the information and established criteria (Arens, Elder, Beasley, 2010). Auditing should be done by a competent, independent person. Accounting is the recording, classifying, and summarizing of economic events in a logical manner for the purpose of providing financial information for decision making (Arens, Elder, Beasley, 2010). Many people confuse auditing with accounting because auditing is usually concerned with accounting information, and many auditors have a considerable amount of experience in the accounting profession. This confusion results from the certified public accountant title given to†¦show more content†¦Internal audit experience can be used to fulfill the experience requirement for becoming a CPA (Arens, Elder, Beasley, 2010). The AICPA is the organization that sets professional requirements for CPAs. The AICPA also conducts research and publishes materials on many different subjects related to accounting, auditing, management advisory services, and taxes (Arens, Elder, Beasley, 2010). The organization also prepares and grades the CPA examinations, provides continuing education to its members, and develops specialty designations to help market and assure the quality of services in specialized practice areas (Arens, Elder, Beasley, 2010). The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board provides oversight for auditors of public companies, including establishing auditing and quality control standards for public company audits, and performing inspections of the quality controls at audit firms performing those audits (Arens, Elder, Beasley, 2010). The PCAOB has responsibility for establishing auditing standards for public companies, while the Auditing Standards Board (ASB) of the AICPA establishes auditing standards for private companies. The ASB previously had responsibility for establishing auditing standards for both public and private companies (Arens, Elder, Beasley, 2010). Existing auditing standards were adopted by the PCAOB as interim auditing standards for public company audits (Arens, Elder, Beasley, 2010). Generally Accepted Auditing StandardsShow MoreRelatedNature of Auditing and the Public Accounting Profession1163 Words   |  5 Pages Nature of Auditing and the Public Accounting Profession 1. Auditing neither creates goods nor adds utility to existing goods and therefore does not add value to business. Auditing exists only because it has been legally mandated. Auditing exists because it is needed by the company. It is beneficial to users who need assurance if their financial statements reflect economic conditions that occurred in a period. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Hhgh Free Essays

string(136) " considered when it is fair and transparent, since favouritism might occur; while external channel of recruitment base on the contrary\." Free Human Resources Literature Review richard | October 20, 2011 4 0 Rate This Article Table of Contents [show] LITERATURE REVIEW 1. 1 Human Resource Management In a rapid competitive business environment, the procedures of outlining the role, function and process of Human Resource Management (HRM) within a dynamic and uncertain environment are ongoing for many decades. In the early 1980s numerous books and articles were published by American Business Schools professors to support the widely recognition of HRM concept, and the environmental volatility in today’s contemporary business that specifically identify conflict and heterogeneity (Soderlund and Bredin, 2005). We will write a custom essay sample on Hhgh or any similar topic only for you Order Now Due to its diverse origins and many influences, HRM covers essential aspects of central concern in organisations such as individual, practice, educational theory, social and organisational psychology, sociology, industrial relations, and organisational theory (Soderlund and Bredin, 2005).. To date there is no widely acceptable definition for HRM and what it entirely involves in our daily business world (Brewster and Larsen, 2000). Fewer satisfactory definitions have been propounded by different writer such as (Soderlund and Bredin, 2005), whom perceived HRM as 1) an ‘executive personnel responsibility’, that mainly concern with management activities; 2) classified HRM as management philosophy that concerns with people treatment and, finally 3) discerned HRM as interaction management between the firm and its people. Due the conflicting theoretical conception and hypothetical disagreement about the general acceptance of the definition, Price (2007) definition would be used to in this literature because it better explained and cover huge areas of the study. According to Price (2007): â€Å"A philosophy of people management based on the belief that human resources are uniquely important to sustained business success. An organization gains competitive advantage by using its people effectively, drawing on their expertise and ingenuity to meet clearly defined objectives. Human resource management is aimed at recruiting capable, flexible and committed people, managing and rewarding their performance and developing key competencies†. The dynamic and uncertainty in HR contemporary organisations are tremendously moving towards a radical dimension (Analoui, 2007). Recent debate by many researchers have laid more emphasis about matching and incorporating the HR-department with other strategic functioning departments within organisation (Soderlund and Bredin, (2005); Analoui, (2007); Price, (2007). 1. 2 HR IN A CONTEMPORARY ORGANISATION HR is essentially crucial in today’s contemporary organisations because it induce high-performance management through the use of employees; by enhancing their levels of customer’s service, productivity, growth, profits and quality control (Armstrong, 2000). Lado and Wilson (1994, p 701) outlined a separate interconnected activities, roles, processes and other aspects that are aimed to attracting, maintaining, and developing the firm HR activities in contemporary organisations, such as: 1) planning; 2) recruitment and selection 3) training; 4) performance management; 5) benefits and rewards; 6) compensation; 7) and 8) career development (Banhegyi et al. , (2008) and (Robbins Coulter, (2002). 1. 2. 1 Planning Planning in Human Resource has been discussed in different HRM contexts for many years (Wren, 1994). HR planning was initially an important aspect of ob analyses and was often used as bases for determining strengths and weaknesses among the employees and to develop the skills and competences they needed (Gallagher, 2000). As individual career plans started to gain more popularity, companies gradually started to pay more attention to the certain skills and competences among individual employees as a way of aligning and dealing with t he companies’ succession planning (Kuratko and Morris (2002). As this aspect been scrutinised rigorously by many researchers, HR planning is still a complicating and complex issue of debate within the HR practices (Schuler, 1986). In 1978, McBeath addressed his view of HR planning by highlighting a set of issues that he regarded as being important with respect to the HR planning. These were; An estimation of how many people the organization needed for the future A determination of what ability, skills, and knowledge requires to compete An evaluation of employees ability, skills and existing knowledge A determination of how the company could fill the identified competence gaps Storey (1995) argues that HR planning today is a very important task of every contemporary organization’s HR department. According to him, HR planning mainly involves the identification of skills and competence within the organization, the filling of identified competence gaps, and the facilitation of movements of employees within the organisation. An essential part of the HR planning is the succession planning which aims to ensure the supply of individuals and filling of gaps on senior key positions when they become vacant and replenish competences to areas where they are most valued (Wolfe, 1996). 1. 2. 2 Recruitment and selection In organization the system that responsible for placing diversifies talents throughout is refers to as recruitment and selection processes. The process of recruitment and selection is an ethical approach by a firm to seek and attract the most competent and suitable applicant for a vacant position (Analoui, 2007). Price (2007) inferred that recruitment strategies can be divided in three significant approaches: suitability – the most qualified applicant for the position, malleability – moulded within the cultural norms, and flexibility – the most reliable and versatility employee. These factors are quite complicating and can be easily mistaken during the process of hiring employees. Suitability is a critical aspect hence it mainly concerned with the process of hiring the most suitable applicant for the position. The process of selecting and retaining potential employees is the greatest organisational competitive battle in modern days (Pfeffer, 1994). Having the greatest talent simply implies that the firm will be able to compete aggressively in the market. This phenomenon are quit prevalent in our daily business life and has also pushes organisations to gain a niche by employing the most renowned managers to lead the thriving future. 1. 2. 2. 1 Channels of Recruitment Russo et al. , (1995) cascaded channels of recruitment into external and internal recruitment, and formal and informal channels. Internal recruitment channels mainly involve the use of intercommunication between other strategic areas of the organisation and the entire HR department. This approach enhances the firm to prioritise and target in-house or current employees (Russo et al. 1995; Analoui, 2007). Internal recruitment can be fully considered when it is fair and transparent, since favouritism might occur; while external channel of recruitment base on the contrary. You read "Hhgh" in category "Papers" 1. 2. 3 Training In today’s contemporary organisation, employees ‘skills and knowledge can make a positive impact on the firm‘s productivity (Guzzo, J ette Katzell, 1985). Organisations have to counter some difficulties while training a single or more employees (Ostroff Kozlowski, 1992). Previous literatures argue the affordability of some organisations that eprive themselves for a single individual employee particularly when human resources are limited: this can hinder the productivity on the short term and destabilize the organization (Bishop, 2003). He continues to stress that such perception about training implies that organisation should embark on a cost reduction strategies and focuses on in-house or on-job-training (OJT). Formal training is just one of the possibilities for organisations to enhance the personnel performance level, as important roles are covered also by organizational socialization (Chao, 1997) and multitasking (May, 1997). It was suggested in the early 1990s that organisational socialisation is a fine process for newcomers to source out information’s about the organisation, learn about the necessary tasks and how to perform their responsibility; clarifying their roles and relate with others inside the organisation (Ostroff Kozlowski, 1992). This philosophy was also supported by Rollag Cardon (2003) as they indicated that the process of socialisation within a firm enhance newcomer to incorporate and learn in a well conducive atmosphere. . 2. 4 Performance Management The concept of measuring performance or managing performance within organisations is to strategize how firms can get the utmost benefits from their employees (Dransfield, 2000). The approach to measuring performance can be classified as a three-step approach that composed by objectives, appraisal and feedback. The first step is the setting of performance objectives that are quantifiable, easy to measure and simple to communicate thr oughout the organisation (Dransfield, 2000). After that, the process of performance appraisal should take place (Bredin, 2008). The management of performance includes design of work systems, facilitation of knowledge utilisation, sharing and creation, and appraisal and reward systems (Cardon Stevens, 2004). However, this phenomenon has been supported by different researchers claiming that performance management/appraisal is an outstanding process to determine and supervise employees output within the firm, so as it would be less complicating to ssess and achieve maximum performance (Zhu Dowling, 1997). It is an excruciating process to implement and evaluate a systemic approach that can accurately pinpoint employee who is responsible for results within an organisation (McKenna Beech, 2008). However, outcomes of individual behaviours such as job satisfaction, employee turnover, absenteeism (Dyer and Reeves, 1995); motivation and commitment (Seibert, Silver, Randolph, 2004), are proximal hence human resource processes are inte rconnected. In as much that the human resource practices are intended to achieve result in this area; there effect can also have a tremendous influence on the aforementioned outcomes (Bloom, 1999). 1. 2. 5 Benefits and rewards Eliciting high contributions within an organisational environment is highly essential for the firm as well as the employees (Appleby and Mavin, 2000). For instance, expectancy theories have explicated aspects of anticipated rewards in line with employee’s motivations. This indicated that every employee will have to face with a logical decision in accordance to the present economical circumstance (Tannenbaum and Dupuree-Bruno, 1994). As a result to that employee considerable effort will manifests into an intended realisations and fulfillment of a specific desire outcome. Such manifestation enhances the explanation of the crucial aspect of organisational reward system and how it can be sustain and elicit the firm human capital investment Tannenbaum and Dupuree-Bruno (1994). The conceptions of both internal and external rewards are highly valued by organisations and its employees. Not only the obvious fact that employees yearns more about promotional opportunities, higher pay or better benefits, but also their desires and anguish spins from autonomy, personal growth and valued responsibility. Different authors have suggested the positive relationship, size and the implementation of innovative ideas in human resource practice as a result to economic of scale (Baldridge and Brunham, (1975) and Moch and Morse, (1977). This conception has locus the local firms at greater disadvantage in-terms of retaining or recruiting top-notch talent (Tannenbaum and Dupuree-Bruno, 1994). Figure 2: model for reward management Source: Bratton Gold, 2003, p. 282 1. 2. 6 Compensation According to Patel Cardon (2010) compensation is vital for contemporary organisation as it contributes to attract and retain high skilled workers with superior salaries, and it encourages a desired stakeholder behavior regarding recognition and legitimacy. Minbaeva et al. (2003) inferred that compensation would enhance motivation among personnel too. Even though non-financial compensation can really work as a positive stimulus for the workers, providing monetary benefits is necessary to increase the productivity of the employees on the individual or group level (Gomez-Meja, 1992). Balkin and Swift (2006) suggest a more flexible approach toward the payment issue. They proposed to relate it to the life stage of the organisation with a higher rate of non-monetary benefits during the first years of activity, and a re-equilibration whenever the company enters the mature stage. Non-monetary paybacks are represented by stock options, stocks or other form of equity sharing that enhance the participation and the motivation of employees, while spreading the risks over a larger number of people (Graham et al. , 2002). The aforementioned ownership sharing represents also a long-term planning for compensation, as Graham et Al. (2002) stated, but also short-term rewards exist. These are represented by profit sharing policies aiming to encourage the employees toward group work, or to control the organizational outcomes (Heneman Tansky, 2002). 1. 2. 7 Career development (CD) Many practitioners and scholars within human resource development (HRD) field have claimed that the utmost crucial aspect of the practices is career development (McLagan, 1989; Weinberger, 1998; Swanson Holton, 2001). However, this area of studies has been given little attention (Upton, Egan Lynham, 2003). With the intense competition in the 21 century, many organisations have realised that in order for them to stay competition they have to improve their employees and enhance their career development (Boudreaux, 2001); rather than individual career development (Swanson Holton, Upton, Egan Lynham, 2003). Therefore, many organisations are now taking a proactive measures towards equipping their staffs and educationally (Leana, 2002) or create a climate that supports their staffs at all levels of the organisation to be more resultant and productive (Sullivan, 1999); which Boudreaux, (2001); Brown, (1997) referred to as ‘‘shared responsibility’’. However, learning within an organisation is quite critical and expensive; (McDonald, Hite Gilbreath, 2002). The most common learning methods within organisations are informal (i. e. n-the-job coaching, sessions, lesson learned, development assignment) Power, Hubschman, Doran, (2001) and formal learning (i. e. as training/workshop and other forms of professional training conducted by professional bodies internally or externally (McDonald, Hite Gilbreath, 2002). 1. 3 The importance of HR in organisation The sole aim of HRM is to guarantee that the firm human capitals are being used in the fullest capability to produces the greatest organisation results that meets with the firm needs Nadeem Moiden, (2003) and Gilley and Gilley, (2007). Therefore, the philosophy of empowering employee’s capabilities is coined to the conception that HR is extremely crucial for sustainable competitive advantage and organisational success (Koch McGrath, 2003). HR in organisation is also crucial because its assist managers and employees through a change process (Hendry, Jones, Arthur Pettigrew, 1991). Businesses can gain enormous competitive advantages when their employees are used effectively to drawing on their expertise and ingenuity to meet clearly defined objectives. When organisation recruit the most effective, capable, committed and flexible people; and managed and reward them accordingly their performances, competencies and efficiency would help the firm productivity immensely (Price A. , 2007). Managers that tactfully execute organisational goals depend on the HR practices to deliver excellences so that they can achieve the utmost business performance (Becker, B. and Gerhart, B. , 1996). However, the HRM field has been isolated and misunderstood by many researchers and practitioner, failing to realise that without employees there would be no functioning organisation Argote, McEvily and Reagans (2003). As employees remain the most expensive and reliable asset of the organisation, the practices of HR will remain a vital area of discussion (Becker, B. and Gerhart, B. , 1996). 1. 3. 1 Advantages and disadvantages of HR As many other departments within an organisation encounter, challenges are inevitable and are present in our daily business lives. There are three main disadvantages, or some may refers to a challenges facing HR, namely: 1. Managers â€Å"need to support corporate productivity and performance improvement efforts† (Dessler, 2008, p 87). 2. Employees play an expanded role in employers’ performance improvement efforts† (Dessler, 2008, p 87). All the basics contents associated with high-performance organisation, such as high-technology team-based production, are rather futile without high levels of employee competence and commitment. 3. The challenge, derived from the first two, is that â€Å"employers see that their human resource units must be more in volved in designing – not just executing – the company’s strategic plan† (Dessler, 2008, p 87). 1. 4 Strategic HR roles in dynamic and uncertainty environments Strategic HRM (SHRM) roles consist of strategies executions and formulations. The strategies execution has been the predominant aspect of the SHRM’s strategic job. Strategies formulators always set and margin their formulations in line with the corporate and competitive strategies and aligned the firm policies and practices towards their strategic formulations (Dessler, 2008). In recent years, there has been a trend shift and researchers have now identified SHRM to take an active role with the top managers in the firm to formulate the company’s strategic plans. The gliding competitive environment due to a globalized economy has lead to that many employers are pursuing improved performance by improvement of commitment and competence level of their employees. Dessler, (2008) outlined four strategic tools that could be used to enhances employees abilities and proficiencies, such as employees satisfaction, loyalty, motivation and satisfactions. 1. 4. 1 Employee satisfaction Employee satisfaction is the individual satisfaction as a professional person, that is, the individual has an effect on his attitude. Organization member to its operating characteristic is the cognitive evaluation, employees get through the more realistic values and expectations of the gap between the value obtained after the meeting whether or not all aspects of work attitudes and emotional responses. It involves the work of the degree of organizational commitment and work motivation is closely related (Saari, L. M. , Judge, T. A. , 2004). Superior-subordinate communication is an important influence on job satisfaction in the workplace, in which the way a subordinate perceives a supervisor‘s behavior can positively or negatively influence job satisfaction. Nonverbal messages play a central role in interpersonal interactions with respect to impression formation, deception, attraction, social influence, and emotional expression (Burgoon, Buller, Woodall, 1996). 1. 4. 2 Employee loyalty Employee engagement is personified by the passion and energy employees have to give of their best to the organization to serve the customer. Engagement is characterized by employees being committed to the organization, believing in what it stands for and being prepared to go above and beyond what is expected of them to deliver outstanding service to the customer. Engaged employees feel inspired by their work, they are customer focused in their approach; they care about the future of the company and are prepared to invest their own effort to see that the organization succeeds (Cook, 2008). Engagement can be summed up by how positively the employee: Thinks about the organization; feels about the organization; proactive in relation to achieving organizational goals for customers, colleagues and other stakeholders. Employee loyalty can be divided into active and passive loyalty. The former refers to the subjective staff loyal to the company with the desire (Cook, 2008). This desire is often due to a high degree of organization and employee goals and now there are consistent with organizational help for employees‘ self-development and self-realization factors. Passive loyalty is when the employees themselves do not wish to remain in the organization, but due to some constraints, such as high wages and welfare, transportation, etc. , have to stay in the organization. Once these conditions disappear, the staff can no longer feel organizational loyalty (Cook, 2008). The basic elements of enterprise employees, their enthusiasm on behalf of corporate morale, awareness of their work reflected in the subtle strength of enterprises (Pepitone and Bruce, 1998). 1. 4. 2. 1 Wages and benefits systems Salaries and benefits in the eyes of employees affect their loyalty is one of the important factors. â€Å"Money is not the most important, but no doubt a very important†, whether corporate or professional loyalty, loyalty is established on the basis of material, good pay system to ensure the basic material needs of the employees, will have good professional loyalty, and corporate loyalty (Cook, 2008). 1. 4. . 2 Enterprise human resource management system As indicated above human resource management is compulsory for each company and one of the most important courses; how to send staff to the right on the job, motivate employees, training and study staff, will be affected to some extent, staff loyalty. In the development of the unscientific, resulting in unfair business, become a mere formality, which often occurs. Negative phenomena that affect the performance of their staff, or even result in employees slack, complain more, rumors filled the air, to lose morale. Figure 3 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Source: Maslow, (1943) 1. 4. 2. Retaining top employees Excellent staff should have: First, high loyalty, company loyalty by recognizing the company’s values, to share weal and woe, and common development; second, right attitude, initiative, and study to make improvements, work hard and willing to do, know that they are doing, those things that do and should not do, great development potential; Third, professional ability, can work independently, with skill, and can continue to improve (McKeown, 2002). The roles of great employees are being productive and increased passion for and commitment to the organization‘s vision, strategy and goals (Cook, 2008, p. 31-32). . 4. 3 Employee Motivation Motivating employees wa s highlighted as an indispensable part of HRM in many studies (e. g. Pinnington and Edwards, 2000; Dessler, 1997; Stone, 2005). Pinnignton and Edwards (2000) divided motivational incentives into two parts: motivating individuals and motivating groups. The former one pays the attention on individual needs and the later one highlight the equity principia. Some incentives played big roles in motivational process, for instance, the good communication between organization and employees (e. g. Ivancevich, Konopaske and Matteson, 2008; Stone, 2005; Dessler, 1997), High Job satisfaction (e. . Lambert, Hogan and Barton, 2001; Wright and Bonett, 2007), Good Payment and treatment (Carpenter and Sanders, 2004) and so on. Meanwhile, relating to the interesting issue on employee turnover often happened in the company, job satisfaction is one kind of factor that influences the turnover intent of employees. Lambert, Hogan and Barton (2001) pointed out that job satisfaction is a key mediating variab le between the work environment and turnover intent, and suggested that managers take the focus on the work environment to improve employee’s job satisfaction, and ultimately lower turnover intent. Carpenter and Sanders (2004) opined that the investment in TMT (Top Management Team) could be way for attracting and retain talent for organization. Thus, it is required, and should be considered into the HRM process too. 1. 4. 4 Employee satisfaction Employee satisfaction is mainly concern with the satisfactions that derived from the individual as a professional person. One common research finding is that job satisfaction is correlated with life satisfaction (Rain, et al, 1991). This correlation is reciprocal, meaning people who are satisfied with their lives tend to be satisfied with their jobs vice visa. However, some research have argued this concept that that job satisfaction is not significantly related to life satisfaction because of their variable such as nonworking satisfaction and core self-evaluations are taken into account (Rode, J. C. 2004). Organization member to its operating characteristic is the cognitive evaluation. Employees get through the more realistic values and expectations of the gap between the values obtained after the meeting whether or not all aspects of work attitudes are emotional responses. This consists of the extent of firm involvement and related motivational activities (Saari, L. M. , Judge, T. A. , 2004). Burgoon, Buller, Woodall, (1996) one of the most suitable means of influencing employees satisfaction is the manners at which superior relate and communicate with subordinators. The meshing and mashing of interpersonal relationships between the two distinctive groups or status plays a significant roles in terms of respect, attractions, formative impression or emotional expression, deceptions and social influences (Burgoon, Buller, Woodall, 1996). Weiss and Cropanzano, (1996) inferred that such immediacy and friendliness will cumulate the essential elements of job satisfaction (Weiss and Cropanzano, 1996). The way employee’s feels and thought that their jobs being appreciated are very much essential in terms of employees job satisfactions (Organ, D. W. , Ryan, K. , 1995); turnover (Saari Judge, 2004); and absenteeism (Wegge, et al, 2007). Job satisfactions ultimately looks at the general aspects of satisfactions employees gained from their work in entirety (Mount Johnson, 2006) How to cite Hhgh, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Information Breach in Acer

Question: Discuss about theInformation Breach in Acer. Answer: The Issue: The problem that occurred in the system of the Acer is the theft of the consumer information. The authorities of the organization on the month of May revealed the incident. The customers who used of the e-Commerce site of Acer from 12th May of 2015 to 28th April of 206 became the victim of the attack ("Acer Online Store Flaw Leads to Data Breach - Security News - Trend Micro USA", 2016). The attack only occurred in the office located in California. It indicates that the security measures of the organization were not up to the current requirements that allowed the attacker to be within the system for such as long time, eleven months. According to the information provided by the organization, approximately thirty four thousand and five hundred consumers information was stolen due to the attack. In addition to that, the attackers specifically stole the personal information and credit card associated payment information such as the CVV number. On the other hand, the authorities of Acer c onfirmed that login credentials were not affected. Organizational background: Acer is one of the biggest names in the computer hardware electronics manufacturing industry. The organization is headquartered in the Xizhi,New Taipei,Taiwan ("Acer | explore beyond limits", 2016). Process of Attack: The system of the Acer made the attacker easy for getting hands on their consumers information. The gaps in the security measures are one of the biggest flaws that the Acer should had looked upon and fixed before the attack began. As the organization used to carry out business in the conventional way rather than using an e-Commerce site, they did not recognize the significance of making their system strong enough to prevent hacking activities ("Acer Online Store Flaw Leads to Data Breach - Security News - Trend Micro USA", 2016). Through utilizing the gaps in the system, the hackers got into the system at first and collected the sensitive information slowly. They did not attempt to hamper the activity of the system so that their existence does not get revealed. Though the authorities of Acer did not reveal the true process of the attack, there are sufficient information to tell that the lack of security policies and unstructured process of storing data became the cause of the losing the customer information. Moreover, the attacker may have used the phishing attack for hacking the system (Meena Kanti, 2014). The Reason: The primary reason for stealing the information of the consumer could be stealing money. As Acer assured their consumer that their bank accounts were not compromised due to that attack, the theft of money cannot be considered as the reason. Another reason behind the attack can be hampering the brand name of the organization. Another reason behind the attack, which makes the previous reason, hampering the brand name of the organization stronger, is personal hate to the organization. Mitigation Process: First of all the encryption techniques should be considered as one of the major solutions for protecting sensitive data of the organization. The encryption can be started as the most efficient and effective process or technique for securing the data. Without the right decryption key the encrypted data cannot be read. It implies that, if somehow the data gets stolen, the attacker cannot utilize the data to hamper the organization as the data is unreadable. It can be suggested to Acer to make use of NIST SP 800-57, one of the strongest encryption algorithms (Barker Barker, 2012). Another way the organization could have avoided attack is storing the information in the most structural way. In addition to that, through storing the data in database in the structural way will allow the site to store, alter and delete the information efficiently and effectively. As the attackers were within the system for eleven months and their presence was revealed after the survey, it can be stated that the organization carries out system survey once in a year ("Acer Online Store Flaw Leads to Data Breach - Security News - Trend Micro USA", 2016). It is highly recommended to Acers technical department to survey the system 4 times a year with two random surveys. This will allow the origination to detect the anomalies in the system at any part of it within much less time. The employees of the organization should also maintain some regulations so that the attack cannot be initiated internally. The workers must not access any malicious and spam website. The system will check the content of any mail which will get in and out of the system (Shcheglov Shcheglov, 2015). References: Acer | explore beyond limits. (2016) Retrieved 10 September 2016, from Acer Online Store Flaw Leads to Data Breach - Security News - Trend Micro USA. (2016) Retrieved 10 September 2016, from Barker, W. C., Barker, E. B. (2012). SP 800-67 Rev. 1. Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher. Meena, K. Kanti, T. (2014). A Review of Exposure and Avoidance Techniques for Phishing Attack.International Journal Of Computer Applications,107(5), 27-31. Shcheglov, K. Shcheglov, A. (2015). New Approach to Data Securing in Information System.Izvesti Vysih UÄ ebnyh Zavedenij. Priborostroenie, 157-166.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Master Harold And The Boys Essays - Harold, Improvisational Theatre

Master Harold And The Boys Master Harold and his Father Master Harold is very similar to his father. Although Harold probably doesn't want to become like his father, or think like him, he will grow up to be just like his father. When Harold gets involved into arguments, only then does his fathers instincts kick in. Although Harolds father is never in the play, we can learn a lot about him just by Harold and a single phone call. Harold inherited his fathers need for power and control, his racism, hatred, and negative attitude. Harold likes to be in control. In Harolds family situation, his fathers dominates his mother. For instance when Harolds father made up his mind that he wanted to leave the hospital, and that's just what he did. Even though Harolds mother tried to talk him out of it, she made no difference in the final decision. This could mean that Harolds father is always the one who's in control, and his wife just looks after him and has no say in anything. In a marriage there shouldn't be domination. Harolds situation is a lot like his fathers. Harold dominates Willie, and Sam. If you're a servant, of course your master is the one in control. But in this situation Willie and Sam are more to Harold than just servants, they're good friends, and in a friendship there should not be domination. Harold does take advantage of the fact that he is Sam and Willies master. for example, if there is an argument, then Harold threatens to fire Sam and Willie and always reminds them that he is the one in control. He is just using that as an excuse to win the argument and to prove that he's always right. Now between Harold and his father, his father dominates him easily. Because of this Harold may want to feel like he's somehow in control of something, and that's why he treats Willie and Sam the way he does. I think Harold loves Willie and Sam, like Harolds father loves his wife, but because Harolds father is in control, Harold wants to feel somehow in control too. Harold is prejudice against black people. Though he may not know it, or might not want to admit it, Harold is racist. This is also another way Harold argues with Willie and Sam. He argues that because Sam is black he doesn't know as much as Harold or can't learn anything to complex. He also argues that he is far too civilized and well mannered to be hanging out with black people who are nothing more than servants. Then again this just might be another excuse for Harold to win an argument. For instance, Harold deliberately told Sam what he thought was a funny racist joke just to hurt Sams feelings. Now this is a joke that Harold shared with his father, and this is how they spend their time together, making prejudice jokes about black people. Harold became racist because of his father. Their racist jokes are the only thing that brings them together. They make jokes about people who are less then them so they can feel more dominate in society. It's the only thing Harold knows of to make his father happy. This also means that Harold and his father don't have a close relationship and only know each other through racist jokes. Harold always has a negative attitude towards things. There are few scenes in the play where Harold has a positive and happy attitude. Though Harolds father is never seen in the play, you can tell that he's not a happy person. Harolds father doesn't really function as a father should, this may have affected Harold. He should spend more time with Harold and try to bring the family closer. If he even attempted this maybe Harold could change his sour attitude about everything. Harold isn't happy because he was never really close to anyone except Sam, and he feels indifferent about it because Sam is black. Harold would be better off if he was under the influence of Sam instead of his father because Sam is more of a father to Harold than his real father. Even when

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Caffeine Extraction from Tea Leaves Essays

Caffeine Extraction from Tea Leaves Essays Caffeine Extraction from Tea Leaves Paper Caffeine Extraction from Tea Leaves Paper Extraction of Caffeine from Tea Leaves Marc Tugaoen, Kristine Vanzuela, Rafael Villanueva, Justeen Wong Department of Chemistry, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines Abstract This experiment has been divided into 4 set-ups, first was the solid-liquid extraction, next was the liquid-liquid extraction, then the sublimation and last was the melting point determination. The solid-liquid and liquid-liquid extraction were both done during the first meeting, the DCM layer was filtered and dried in the evaporating dish and kept inside the locker. The dried was light green, somewhat powdery flakes and was rough, this was purified through sublimation. The %yield of the caffeine was 0. 11%. The last part was determining the melting point of the pure caffeine collected, standard started to melt at 220? and melted completely at 228? while the caffeine started to melt at 228? and completely melted at 231?. Introduction The objectives of the experiment are to a. isolate, purify and characterize caffeine from tea leaves and to b. calculate the percentage yield of caffeine. The active ingredient in the tea and coffee is the caffeine, which is an alkaloid. Alkaloids contain nitrogen and have properties of an organic amine base. Caffeine has a mild stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Caffeine belongs to the family of xanthine, which is known as stimulants. Caffeine is the most powerful xanthine because of its ability to increase alertness, put off sleep and increase ones capacity for thinking. It also relaxes blood vessels and increases urination. Other than tea leaves, caffeine can also be found in coffee, cocoa beans and kola nuts. Tea leaves consist mostly of  cellulose, caffeine, and a small amount of chlorophyll. The solubility of caffeine in water is 22 mg/ml at 25 ·C, 180 mg/ml at 80 ·C, and 670 mg/ml at 100 ·C. [1] There have been several concerns about the health risks of caffeine, although scientists have already said that normal consumption of caffeine doesn’t increase health risks. Many consumers still try to avoid caffeine, and because of these reason that decaffeinating coffee and tea has been an important industrial process. [2] Extraction is the technique we use to separate organic compounds from a mixture of compounds. It is the process of obtaining mixture or compound through chemical, physical and mechanical means. Results and Discussion In order to extract the caffeine from the tea leaves the solid-liquid extraction and liquid-liquid extraction were done first. During the solid-liquid extraction of caffeine from the tea leaves water was used because its cheap and nontoxic. Caffeine is only slightly soluble in  hot water, and nearly insoluble in  cold water, making it easy to get it to partition into a better solvent [4]. The aqueous layer was added with the dichloromethane or CH2Cl2 to easily extract caffeine since it’s more soluble in CH2Cl2. To make sure that the solvent moves in all the tea leaf particles to extract caffeine, the separatory funnel was gently shaken. The stopcock was also slightly opened to let out any pressure. Sodium hydroxide was used to make sure that other substances, which are slightly soluble to dichloromethane, are eliminated by converting them to their salts that remain in the water [5]. The boiled tea leaves had two layers the aqueous and the CH2Cl2 layer, and these two were separated, this is the liquid-liquid extraction part. The liquid-liquid extraction resulted in a CH2Cl2 layer which was kept in the evaporating dish and dried. Fig. 1 CH2Cl2 Layer (lower) and Aqueous Layer (upper) Fig. 2 Filtered DCM layer in an evaporating dish The crude caffeine was colored light green, somewhat powdered flakes and had a rough texture. Fig. 3 Dried DCM layer According to Wikipedia. org sublimation refers to the process of transition of a substance from the  solid  phase to the  gas  phase without passing through an intermediate liquid  phase. Sublimation process was done to purify the crude caffeine; this was a delicate part because we must be careful in handling the test tube for the purified caffeine might fall from its attachment into the test tube. The purified caffeine was colored white, fine, and also somewhat powdery and flakey. Fig. 4 Purified caffeine during sublimation Table 1. Characteristics of Crude and Purified Caffeine| | Color| Appearance| Size| Crude| Light green| Powdery, flakes| fine| Purified| White| Powdery, flakes| fine| The last part was the melting point determination. In this part we are able to tell the purity of the caffeine through the range of the melting point. Table 2. Melting point of Caffeine and Standard| | T1| T2| T1-T2| Caffeine| 228| 231| -3| Standard| 220| 228| -8| Based on the result caffeine is more pure than the standard because the range of its melting point is less compared to the standard. Table 3. Weight of Tea Leaves and Pure Caffeine| Tea leaves| 5. 3692g| Vial w/ cap| 29. 6286g| Vial w/o cap| 27. 8898g| Vial (w/cap) and Caffeine| 29. 6343g| Caffeine| 0. 0057g| Based on the data above the percent yield we got was 0. 11% Experimental Three teabags were opened; tea leaves were combined and weighed. After weighing the tea leaves were returned in the tea bags and were secured with strings and staple wire. Teabags were then boiled in 100ml water for 5 minutes. Fig. 5 Boiling tea leaves Fig. 6 Boiled tea The side of the flask was cooled in running water for 2 minutes. Then the ice cube was mixed in the teas extract cooling to room temperature. The tea extract was then transferred in the separatory funnel which has 20ml of CH2Cl2. Separatory funnel was gently shaken in an upside down manner and the stopcock was also opened a bit to release pressure. The CH2Cl2, lower layer was drained into a clean flask. This extraction was done twice. Then all CH2Cl2 portions were combined, the aqueous layer was discarded. The combined CH2Cl2 was returned into the separatory flask; 20ml of 6M NaOH was added. The aqueous layer was discarded and the CH2Cl2 was put in an evaporating dish, the top was covered with aluminum foil which has some perforations, and it was kept in the locker to let it dry. Fig. 7 Tea extract being transferred into the separatory funnel The next step was the sublimation, to purify the crude caffeine. The crude caffeine was transferred in a filter tube with a fitted inner test tube which served as the ‘cold finger’; this was put into a hot air bath for about 35 minutes. The cold finger was constantly filled with ice water. Fig. 8 Sublimation set-up, hot air bath The inner tube was carefully removed, the caffeine clinging into the cold finger was scraped off kept in a vial and weighed. The last procedure was the melting point determination. In this part, first the caffeine was grinded into a very fine powder. An end of a capillary tube was sealed by heating it, while rotating at 45? angle from the blue portion of the Bunsen burner flame. Using the open end of the capillary tube, pulverized caffeine crystal was scoop, and the height was 0. 5cm. To pack the caffeine well at the bottom of the capillary tube, we let it fall inside a 1m glass tubing. Once it was well packed it was fastened with the thermometer and standard using a rubber. The thermometer was clamped and dipped into a beaker filled with cooking oil. It was heated using the Bunsen burner and a loop of #12 copper wire was used to make sure the heat of the cooking oil is distributed; we also made sure that the capillary tube did not directly touch the beaker so it wouldn’t burn. The melting point of the standard and the caffeine was observed and recorded. Fig. 9 Cooking oil stirred with copper wire to distribute heat Appendix %yield = wt. caffeine (g)wt. tea leaves g x 100 %yield = 0. 0057g5. 3692g x 100 %yield = 0. 11% References: [1] angelfire. com/blog/caffeinechem/ [2] spot. pcc. edu/~chandy/241/CaffeineExtractionCH2CCl2. pdf [3] scribd. com/doc/35716872/Extraction-of-Caffeine-from-Tea-Leaves [4 ]http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20090721101813AALFlRu [5] Garcia, G. (2005). Laboratory Experiments in Organic Chemistry. University of Santo Tomas, Manila.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Bilingual Education

By broadening a student’s scope to two or more languages, students hold an advantage when entering the professional world. The professional world is where work gets serious and adults have to face the real world problems. Essentially, in the 21st century adults cannot get by at work with just one language. For example, even employees of local ninety-nine cents stores are familiar with two languages such as Spanish and English. If bilingual education can affect such a mediocre job, who knows what fluency in many languages can do in the professional world. Today, in most Los Angeles Public Schools, the students are not all fluent English speakers. There are students who speak several languages other than English, students who only speak English, and even students who only speak one uncommon native language. In result, schools are filled with diverse groups of students, which is ultimately why Los Angeles Public schools have to prepare all of these numerous groups for their successful future. It is the responsibility of Los Angeles Public schools to require bilingual education because fluency in multiple languages not only benefits the self but also aids the surrounding community. Bilingual and multilingual speakers have greater long-term health benefits than do monolingual speakers. New studies have shown that bilingualism reduces the chances of developing Alzheimer, a common form of dementia. Recently, Dr. Ellen Bialystok carried out a study for patients diagnosed with Alzheimer at York University in Toronto. In leading the study, she stated, â€Å"[Bilingual] [people] perform at a higher level. It won’t stop you [from] getting Alzheimer’s disease but they can cope with the disease for longer (Derbyshire 1). † Dealing with bilingual education might be complex and strenuous, but all of the hard work pays off in the end because one will receive an education in two languages and also reduce his/her chances of Alzheimer. Although the effects of bilingual education do not guarantee the prevention of Alzheimer, the results do help fight the disorder longer than monolingual patients can fight it. Aside from the bilingual education’s relationship with Alzheimer, as long as bilingualism plays as a beneficial factor in education first and foremost, there should be no other reason why bilingual education is not required. Giving up a bilingual education program because of money matters is not worth the loss, because bilingual education can produce just as much fruitful results in the future as it is now when people are not spending money on education. It is a lost opportunity in enhancing California’s education system. In relation to enduring Alzheimer for a longer period, bilingual education also benefits the self as it enhances cognitive skills. Because bilingual education calls for the constant switch of language, students enrolled in the program develop enhanced cognitive skills. Cognitive skills more or less mean the skills of the brain. Bilingual education greatly affects a person usually as an infant, because there is a chance to grasp an equal amount of knowledge for both languages. Janet Werker, a developmental psychologist from the Univeirsity of B. C. , was studying babies growing up in bilingual environments. In her studies, she discovered that, â€Å"not only could [bilingual] [babies] distinguish between the two languages [they] [are] [familiar] [with], but that they also were able to distinguish between languages they weren’t familiar with, such as English and French (Sun 1). † Werker’s study portrays how bilingual education can affect the brain at such a young age. The distinction between monolingual and bilingual people is declared at the baby stages, which range from the time of birth to about two years old, of peoples’ lives. Although distinguishing between two languages might not be a specific benefit, the fact that a baby can differentiate between English and French portrays that bilingual education is effective in mental challenges. In addition, Dr. Ellen Bialystok, the leader of the Alzheimer study at York University, believes in enhanced cognitive skills as well. In the article â€Å"People who speak two languages are ‘better at multi-tasking and less likely to develop Alzheimer’s’† she states, â€Å"Switching between languages is a stimulating activity – it is like carrying out brain exercises which builds up higher levels of what we call brain or cognitive reserve (Derbyshire 2). † Because the act of constantly switching back to other languages exercises the brain, the practice allows bilingual people to become more adept in multi-tasking and excel in mental challenges. The fact that learning to speak two languages enriches brain activity already proves that bilingual education has a beneficial factor towards students. Not only will bilingualism cause brain exercises, but it will also help prevent dementia because juggling two languages improves brain activity. Of course all of these benefits are void now that Proposition 227 is passed. The implementation of Proposition 227 obstructs the opportunity and benefits of the students. Proposition 227 requires publics schools to teach and give out instructions in English only, if not otherwise suggested by the parents. The proposition was passed on June 2, 1998 with a sixty-one to thirty-nine percent margin. The â€Å"California Proposition 227 and Bilingualism† article states, â€Å"[Proposition] [227] would essentially require all students to learn English in one year, even though many children need several years of language support (Migration World Magazine 1). † The only reason why Proposition 227 was passed is because people are too impatient. People cannot wait on long-term effects, so instead they search for immediate gratification. Parents are too stubborn to realize the educational, professional, and health benefits that follow a bilingual education program. Moreover, Valery Fadeyev, a well-known journalist states, â€Å"[The] [authorities] don’t understand that education reform is the only real source for the revitalization of our country (Levy 5). † Clearly, the same situation of being oblivious to the bilingual education occurs in America as it already does in Russia. Furthermore, Amy Zabetakis, the author of Proposition 227: Death for Bilingual Education, states that â€Å"Ron K. Unz, a millionaire software developer, [led] the campaign in support of Proposition 227, and himself gave the campaign $270,000 (Zbetakis 2). † Opponents of bilingual education are arguing that they cannot afford the textbooks for the program, but here we have a millionaire wasting $270,000 on a single campaign. Truthfully, it is sad to here Zabetakis support Ron K. Unz when the man does not even know how to spend his money. If all that money did not go to campaigning, many public schools would have benefited from the textbooks that contain bilingual education. Although businessmen like Unz do not support bilingual education, successful companies like his hire employees with bilingual backgrounds. In the long run, the business world would greatly benefit from the requirement of a bilingual education. The skill of speaking more than one language is a key and crucial element of business, which is why the installment of bilingual education is stressed upon heavily. All types of business involve meeting people from all over the world, whether it may be dealing with a simple phone call from across the world or as complex as flying out to a foreign country for a business meeting. In either situation, bilingual people hold an advantage with the knowledge of more than one language. Domenico Maceri, the writer of â€Å"Plural Benefits of Bilingual Education,† states, â€Å"Smart companies use many ways to communicate with their customers and inform them about services and products† (Maceri 1). A subtle interpretation of Maceri’s quote is that smart Los Angeles public schools use many ways to communicate with their students, which is ultimately achieved through a bilingual education program. In addition, Maceri’s assertion about exploiting different communication tactics implies that bilingualism is bound to bring in better results than monolingualism because different communication tactics cannot be reached through a single language. Monolingualism reaches its restrictions and limitations quickly, whereas bilingualism allows for more options and choices. An example that best displays the successfulness of bilingual communication tactics is the Verizon Wireless advertisement. Verizon Wireless would not have been as successful as they are currently if it was not for its multiple advertisements translated into several foreign languages. Now, the advertisement is grabbing attention to a bigger community, instead of limiting their customers to only native English speakers. The most important point about this example is that none of these positive results would have been reached if it were not for the requirement of bilingual education. All the big companies were capable of producing multiple foreign advertisements because they had employees who experienced a bilingual education. Bilingual education in Los Angeles Public Schools should adhere to the callings of the individual student. Because not everyone speaks and understands the same languages, some students, more than others, hold an advantage or disadvantage when placed in bilingual education. Everyone has dreams they want to accomplish one day and in order to achieve them people need time. By allowing bilingual education to become optional, Los Angeles Public Schools could possibly see a rise in grade point average. This change would also allow more opportunity to focus on activities that actually interest the students. Then students would ultimately become one step closer in attaining their dreams. Works Cited â€Å"California Proposition 227 and Bilingualism. † Migration World Magazine 26. 4. Print. Derbyshire, David. â€Å"People Who Speak Two Languages Are ‘better at Multi-tasking and Less Likely to Develop Alzheimer’s'† Mail Online. Print. Levy, Clifford J. â€Å"My Family’s Experiment in Extreme Schooling. † New York Times. New York Times, 18 Sept. 2011. Web 17 Sept. 2011 Maceri, Domenico. â€Å"Plural Benefits of Bilingual Education. † San Gabriel Valley Tribune (California) (2006). Print. Sun, Vancouver. â€Å"The Benefits of Bilingual Education. † The Vancouver Sun (British Columbia). Print. Zabetakis, Amy. â€Å"PROPOSITION 227: DEATH FOR BILINGUAL EDUCATION? † Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 105-28 13. 1 (1998). Web. 18 Oct. 2011. Bilingual Education By broadening a student’s scope to two or more languages, students hold an advantage when entering the professional world. The professional world is where work gets serious and adults have to face the real world problems. Essentially, in the 21st century adults cannot get by at work with just one language. For example, even employees of local ninety-nine cents stores are familiar with two languages such as Spanish and English. If bilingual education can affect such a mediocre job, who knows what fluency in many languages can do in the professional world. Today, in most Los Angeles Public Schools, the students are not all fluent English speakers. There are students who speak several languages other than English, students who only speak English, and even students who only speak one uncommon native language. In result, schools are filled with diverse groups of students, which is ultimately why Los Angeles Public schools have to prepare all of these numerous groups for their successful future. It is the responsibility of Los Angeles Public schools to require bilingual education because fluency in multiple languages not only benefits the self but also aids the surrounding community. Bilingual and multilingual speakers have greater long-term health benefits than do monolingual speakers. New studies have shown that bilingualism reduces the chances of developing Alzheimer, a common form of dementia. Recently, Dr. Ellen Bialystok carried out a study for patients diagnosed with Alzheimer at York University in Toronto. In leading the study, she stated, â€Å"[Bilingual] [people] perform at a higher level. It won’t stop you [from] getting Alzheimer’s disease but they can cope with the disease for longer (Derbyshire 1). † Dealing with bilingual education might be complex and strenuous, but all of the hard work pays off in the end because one will receive an education in two languages and also reduce his/her chances of Alzheimer. Although the effects of bilingual education do not guarantee the prevention of Alzheimer, the results do help fight the disorder longer than monolingual patients can fight it. Aside from the bilingual education’s relationship with Alzheimer, as long as bilingualism plays as a beneficial factor in education first and foremost, there should be no other reason why bilingual education is not required. Giving up a bilingual education program because of money matters is not worth the loss, because bilingual education can produce just as much fruitful results in the future as it is now when people are not spending money on education. It is a lost opportunity in enhancing California’s education system. In relation to enduring Alzheimer for a longer period, bilingual education also benefits the self as it enhances cognitive skills. Because bilingual education calls for the constant switch of language, students enrolled in the program develop enhanced cognitive skills. Cognitive skills more or less mean the skills of the brain. Bilingual education greatly affects a person usually as an infant, because there is a chance to grasp an equal amount of knowledge for both languages. Janet Werker, a developmental psychologist from the Univeirsity of B. C. , was studying babies growing up in bilingual environments. In her studies, she discovered that, â€Å"not only could [bilingual] [babies] distinguish between the two languages [they] [are] [familiar] [with], but that they also were able to distinguish between languages they weren’t familiar with, such as English and French (Sun 1). † Werker’s study portrays how bilingual education can affect the brain at such a young age. The distinction between monolingual and bilingual people is declared at the baby stages, which range from the time of birth to about two years old, of peoples’ lives. Although distinguishing between two languages might not be a specific benefit, the fact that a baby can differentiate between English and French portrays that bilingual education is effective in mental challenges. In addition, Dr. Ellen Bialystok, the leader of the Alzheimer study at York University, believes in enhanced cognitive skills as well. In the article â€Å"People who speak two languages are ‘better at multi-tasking and less likely to develop Alzheimer’s’† she states, â€Å"Switching between languages is a stimulating activity – it is like carrying out brain exercises which builds up higher levels of what we call brain or cognitive reserve (Derbyshire 2). † Because the act of constantly switching back to other languages exercises the brain, the practice allows bilingual people to become more adept in multi-tasking and excel in mental challenges. The fact that learning to speak two languages enriches brain activity already proves that bilingual education has a beneficial factor towards students. Not only will bilingualism cause brain exercises, but it will also help prevent dementia because juggling two languages improves brain activity. Of course all of these benefits are void now that Proposition 227 is passed. The implementation of Proposition 227 obstructs the opportunity and benefits of the students. Proposition 227 requires publics schools to teach and give out instructions in English only, if not otherwise suggested by the parents. The proposition was passed on June 2, 1998 with a sixty-one to thirty-nine percent margin. The â€Å"California Proposition 227 and Bilingualism† article states, â€Å"[Proposition] [227] would essentially require all students to learn English in one year, even though many children need several years of language support (Migration World Magazine 1). † The only reason why Proposition 227 was passed is because people are too impatient. People cannot wait on long-term effects, so instead they search for immediate gratification. Parents are too stubborn to realize the educational, professional, and health benefits that follow a bilingual education program. Moreover, Valery Fadeyev, a well-known journalist states, â€Å"[The] [authorities] don’t understand that education reform is the only real source for the revitalization of our country (Levy 5). † Clearly, the same situation of being oblivious to the bilingual education occurs in America as it already does in Russia. Furthermore, Amy Zabetakis, the author of Proposition 227: Death for Bilingual Education, states that â€Å"Ron K. Unz, a millionaire software developer, [led] the campaign in support of Proposition 227, and himself gave the campaign $270,000 (Zbetakis 2). † Opponents of bilingual education are arguing that they cannot afford the textbooks for the program, but here we have a millionaire wasting $270,000 on a single campaign. Truthfully, it is sad to here Zabetakis support Ron K. Unz when the man does not even know how to spend his money. If all that money did not go to campaigning, many public schools would have benefited from the textbooks that contain bilingual education. Although businessmen like Unz do not support bilingual education, successful companies like his hire employees with bilingual backgrounds. In the long run, the business world would greatly benefit from the requirement of a bilingual education. The skill of speaking more than one language is a key and crucial element of business, which is why the installment of bilingual education is stressed upon heavily. All types of business involve meeting people from all over the world, whether it may be dealing with a simple phone call from across the world or as complex as flying out to a foreign country for a business meeting. In either situation, bilingual people hold an advantage with the knowledge of more than one language. Domenico Maceri, the writer of â€Å"Plural Benefits of Bilingual Education,† states, â€Å"Smart companies use many ways to communicate with their customers and inform them about services and products† (Maceri 1). A subtle interpretation of Maceri’s quote is that smart Los Angeles public schools use many ways to communicate with their students, which is ultimately achieved through a bilingual education program. In addition, Maceri’s assertion about exploiting different communication tactics implies that bilingualism is bound to bring in better results than monolingualism because different communication tactics cannot be reached through a single language. Monolingualism reaches its restrictions and limitations quickly, whereas bilingualism allows for more options and choices. An example that best displays the successfulness of bilingual communication tactics is the Verizon Wireless advertisement. Verizon Wireless would not have been as successful as they are currently if it was not for its multiple advertisements translated into several foreign languages. Now, the advertisement is grabbing attention to a bigger community, instead of limiting their customers to only native English speakers. The most important point about this example is that none of these positive results would have been reached if it were not for the requirement of bilingual education. All the big companies were capable of producing multiple foreign advertisements because they had employees who experienced a bilingual education. Bilingual education in Los Angeles Public Schools should adhere to the callings of the individual student. Because not everyone speaks and understands the same languages, some students, more than others, hold an advantage or disadvantage when placed in bilingual education. Everyone has dreams they want to accomplish one day and in order to achieve them people need time. By allowing bilingual education to become optional, Los Angeles Public Schools could possibly see a rise in grade point average. This change would also allow more opportunity to focus on activities that actually interest the students. Then students would ultimately become one step closer in attaining their dreams. Works Cited â€Å"California Proposition 227 and Bilingualism. † Migration World Magazine 26. 4. Print. Derbyshire, David. â€Å"People Who Speak Two Languages Are ‘better at Multi-tasking and Less Likely to Develop Alzheimer’s'† Mail Online. Print. Levy, Clifford J. â€Å"My Family’s Experiment in Extreme Schooling. † New York Times. New York Times, 18 Sept. 2011. Web 17 Sept. 2011 Maceri, Domenico. â€Å"Plural Benefits of Bilingual Education. † San Gabriel Valley Tribune (California) (2006). Print. Sun, Vancouver. â€Å"The Benefits of Bilingual Education. † The Vancouver Sun (British Columbia). Print. Zabetakis, Amy. â€Å"PROPOSITION 227: DEATH FOR BILINGUAL EDUCATION? † Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 105-28 13. 1 (1998). Web. 18 Oct. 2011. Bilingual Education

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Biological Science in the News #4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Biological Science in the News #4 - Assignment Example The using of non-food biomass for gasoline production is more preferable. Previous studies showed the possibility of obtaining long-chain alkanes containing 13-17 carbon atoms. The new strategy of microbial gasoline production give opportunity to get fatty acid derivatives that are shorter comparing normal intracellular fatty acid metabolites. The presented strategy introduces a novel synthetic pathway for the biosynthesis of short-chain alkanes. This can be the basis for obtaining gasoline, as well as other compounds like short-chain fatty esters and short-chain fatty alcohols. What amounts of energy are used for obtaining of 1 liter of gasoline? Was energy consumption for production of gasoline by metabolically-engineered microorganism less than energy consumption during oil refining? Gasoline production by microorganisms could be one of the possible sources of fossil fuel production. The advantage of this strategy is processing of non-food biomass. However, the amount of obtained hydrocarbons is relatively small. Further researches should be aimed on the increasing of product yield. I personally think that the presented strategy change the dependence from oil into dependence from biomass gasoline. The using of developed strategy for obtaining of other compounds is more

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Impression Formation in Social Psychology Essay

Impression Formation in Social Psychology - Essay Example After a long day of regulating behaviors at work or at school, for instance, resources for controlling other person's traits could be limited; reading for tests or going to the gym. Research by Buss, M. G & Graig, K.L (2000) assumes that feeling regulation approaches would demand disparate echelons of behavioral management on the audience where feeling is rather contained. For instance, in comparison with being decent, more management is needed when we swank to others we are familiar with since they are much informed about our well being and could easily approve the impression we tend to construct. Correspondingly, traits ought to govern more when portraying decency to outsiders unlike swanking about the self. The implicit here it that it constructs so much sense to depict ourselves in the most prospective fashion to individuals we don't comprehend well, and being self-effacing does not achieve this intention. A vivid scenario is that where four college roommates that attend a party where they meet friends and classmates that know them closely and consequently interact with strangers who conceive so little about them. Juvenile men have conversations with either friends or strangers and they either swank about their achievements or depict the self in a modest manner. Soon after, the roommates are confronted with a temptation where governing their traits is quite significant; students are questioned to give forecasts concerning how well every man will respond to temptation. Their results are then tabulated with the founding by Vohs et al. Impression Management Theory Impression management hypothesis contents that persons are generally stimulated to advance the self by presenting themselves in ways that are rather positively appealing to their counterparts. According to Buss, M. G & Graig, K.L (2000) the knack to govern other person impressions of us is an imperative aspect in numerous actions, for instance when trying to please the employer during a job interview. When helplessly seeking for support from friends. By itself, impression hypothesis is inclined on an interpersonal procedure. Social psychology confirms that there exist, numerous line of attack through which persons employ to express an appealing reflection to others. Gratifying those that have reserves we seek for, relating with flourishing others, disconnecting with abortive others and constructing of excuses for our malfunction as well as threatening others. Humility and self-importance are two lines of attack emphasized in this case. Arrogance happens when we decorate our positive characteristic and also hide our unconstructive distinctiveness. Reticence transpire when we present out qualities in a way that is either arrogant nor self-disparaging Self-Regulation Theory Self governing hypothesis is oriented towards person's competence to monitor and organize their mannerisms to accomplish preferred intentions. This presumption is related with that ability to modify automatic, customary or instinctive qualities, urges, sensation and requirements that would otherwise mess up with intentions directed manners. For instance students self govern especially when they revise for exam unlike whether

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Crito Analysis Essay Example for Free

Crito Analysis Essay Rhetorical Question: â€Å"But my dear Crito, why should we pay so much attention to what ‘most people’ think? The reasonable people, who have more claim to be considered, will believe that the facts are exactly as they are† (906). Personification: â€Å"’Consider then, Socrates,’ the Laws would probably continue, ‘whether it is also true for us to say that what you are trying to do to us is not right†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬  (913). Plato’s â€Å"Crito† is one of the many tremendously influential pieces of literature produced in ancient Greece. It is a thought-provoking, philosophical discussion regarding the role of the individual within society, and how to treat injustice. As part of a series of imaginary dialogues between Socrates and other characters, â€Å"Crito† deals with the conflict Socrates is presented with, as he awaits execution. Crito, one of Socrates’ close friends, urges Socrates to escape prison while he still can. Crito offers several arguments to justify his escape, including the shame he would endure from the public for letting his friend die, and the poor example it would set for the children of Athens. However, Socrates carefully analyzes each of Crito’s arguments for escaping, and proves them invalid through logic and deductive reasoning. The passage, â€Å"But my dear Crito, why should we pay so much attention to what ‘most people’ think? The reasonable people, who have more claim to be considered, will believe that the facts are exactly as they are† (906), d emonstrates the method that Socrates uses to persuade. Socrates asks a rhetorical question to expose the silliness of the Crito’s worries. It represents the wisdom and morals of Socrates. Crito’s strongest argument is that Socrates would be promoting injustice by accepting his unfair sentence. However, Socrates disproves this point as well, by reasoning that he would be harming the Law by escaping death. Socrates, who has tried to live his life as justly and peacefully as possible, would be breaking every moral he ever lived by if he chose to turn against the law. He regards the Law higher than his own life. He sees the Law as a father to him; it has raised him, educated him, and allowed him to live a comfortable life. No matter how much he disagrees with its ways, he cannot bring himself to disobey it. Throughout Socrates’ discussions, he often has conversations with himself and the â€Å"Law†. Plato personifies the â€Å"Law† by giving it human-like qualities and speech; it is suggested that the Law can be hurt, and angry. He does this to distinguish it as a character that has feelings. For example, â€Å"’†¦you will leave this place, when you do, as the victim of a wrong done not by us, the Laws, but by your fellow men. But if you leave in that dishonorable way, returning wrong from wrong, and evil for evil, breaking your agreements with us, and injuring those whom you least ought to injure yourself, your country, and us ,- then you will face our anger†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (916), demonstrates the authority of the Law. Socrates suggests it is better to die a victim who has lived justly and killed unjustly, than to return the injustice and hurt the Laws. He states, â€Å"†¦it is never right to do a wrong or return a wrong or defend one’s sel f against injury by retaliation† (911), which exemplifies the belief that injustice cannot be treated with injustice. Socrates mentions an agreement being broken in this passage; this alludes to the belief that there is a social contract between the individual and government. Socrates reasons that when a citizen lives in Athens, he is indirectly supporting the laws and abiding them. The individual has a moral obligation to the government. While it is beneficial to challenge the government under some circumstances, one threatens the foundation of a stable society by breaking its laws. Socrates, who has lived 70 years of Athenian life, is content by living in accordance with this contract. He feels a state simply cannot exist if laws have no power. He firmly believes in the importance of strict laws, as he calls them the most precious achievement of human history. Besides, he reasons that a man of his age, with little life left to live, would lose his reputation by â€Å"clingi ng so greedily to life, at the price of violating the most stringent laws† (915). For all these reasons, â€Å"Crito† remains an influential piece that poses big questions and promotes critical thinking.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Final Days :: essays research papers

"The Final Days" by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein "The Final Days" by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein is about former president Richard Nixon and his involvement in the Watergate scandal. The first part of the book deals with the first two years of the Watergate Crisis and the second half is about the final 17 days of the Nixon administration. The first part of the book deals with how Nixon dug himself deeper and deeper in the scandal through lies and deception. There is tension to every decision Nixon makes in his final month in office. Whether to resign or stay in office, surrender his private tapes, or continue the legal battle. Nixon himself even becomes a sympathetic figure through his downfall. Richard Nixon was elected president in 1968. Born into a small lemon farm in California Nixon lived on the edge of poverty. He graduated from Whittier College. After he graduated from Whittier he attended Duke University Law School and in 1937 he graduated with honors. Nixon then went on to join the navy. Nixon won his first campaign in 1946, and became a member of the House of Representatives. He represented California his home state. Nixon was also assigned to the House Un-American Activities Committee. This committee was mostly concerned with Communists in the United States. In 1950, Nixon was elected for a six-year term in the Senate. He only served 2 of these years, the remaining spent as Vice President to Eisenhower. In 1960, Eisenhower's second term was coming to an end. The Republicans chose Richard Nixon to be their presidential candidate, and the Democrats chose John F. Kennedy, Nixon barley lost the race. He once again he ran for President in 1968 and won. The Watergate complex is located on the Potomac River in Washington, D.C. it contains many hotel rooms and offices. What happened in the complex on June 17, 1972 early in the morning was The Watergate Scandal. At approximately 2:30 in the morning of June 17, 1972 five men were arrested at the Watergate Complex. These five men and two co-plotters were indicated in September 1972 on charges of burglary, conspiracy and wire-tapping. Four months later they were convicted and sentenced to prison terms. The five men arrested were Bernard L. Barker, Frank A. Sturgis, Virgillio R. Gonzalez, Eugenio R. Martinez, and James W. McCord, Jr. The two co-plotters were G. Gordon Liddy and E.

Monday, November 11, 2019

S.I.P sample

As of the mosquito, citronella can really repel it, and it is now proven by scientists. But as of the ants and the flies, we are trying to work on a simple experiment in which it can repel or kill them.Objectives: 1 . ) We used our classroom as the scenario, and as we all know, there are many ants, flies and mosquitoes in it. And we can't concentrate in what we are doing because of them. So, we conducted this s. I. P. To make us comfortable in our room without disruptions Just to kill mosquitoes, flies and ants. 2. ) We can also use this in our houses, if there are infestations of mosquitoes, ants or flies. 3. This liquid is not smelly as the others are, so you can breathe well even spraying it. 4. ) Our project only uses organic materials and we don't use Cuff's that can destroy our ozone. Significance: Our project might not be the first project to kill mosquitoes, flies and ants, but our only uses organic materials which is not common in making project insecticides. We decided to m ake this project for us to create our own version of organic insecticides.Our project is important nowadays because almost all of the commodities are now expensive, and we need to use our available resources as an alternative to all. And we chose to create an insecticides. Scope and limitations: alternative of In other insecticides, they can also kill cockroaches and even mice, but we chose not to our members because when we discussed how to conduct the experiment of it, one of suggested that we would be having a hard time catching cockroaches and mice, and we've all agreed to this.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Being a Man

Being a Man in the male perspective may be projected with ease as it seems, however, masculinity or the concept of being a man in a strict sense is a trait that has an offending nature. Much of this can be attributed to the fact that the social conditions throughout history suggest that men are commonly compelled to show their masculinity in every domain of endeavor. As such, the framework from where the concept of manliness is based has created an almost irreversible plague that has gone hand in hand with history.Manly concepts belittle the core of their female counterparts due to the fact that the masculinity rouses a sense of self-glorification. In sports, in all fields of life, men have become triumphant at the expense of women. This is because of how boys are bred and raised to become â€Å"men† (Theroux 411), up and coming men become totally obsessed with the idea of proving their manhood through their chosen field. Therefore, the enthusiastic individual will do what he deems necessary to achieve such goal.Femininity plays a vital role in belittling their sexuality because of the female species' vane nature and alertness to man's inadequacy (Theroux 411). Alfonsina Storni's blatant aversion to manliness appears to be a of how manliness is being glorified objectively over and over. It is a good argument that men and women are equal beings each with distinct qualities, and given the distinction, it is also plausible to think that both genders have their set of issues to deal with.However, social constructs, media presentations, and cultures across the world suggest that the nature of manhood demean women in every way. Superhero archetypes for instance are all modeled after men, the earliest superhero characters Superman and Batman are patterned to the typical male image. Likewise, other heroes such as Supergirl and Batgirl are female characters influenced by male characters. Masculinity is not a written law obliging every male person to conform to so ciety's traditional standards.However collective social opinion backed by media sensationalizing and cultural practice dictates the concept of manhood. Furthermore, the dictated solidarity in the concept of being a man eliminates the concept of individuality and the true precept of manliness. Works Cited Theroux, Paul. Being a Man. Reading and Writing about Gender in The World is a Text: The Writing, Reading, and Thinking About Culture and Its Contexts (2nd Edition). by

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Hiroshima

â€Å"Then a tremendous flash of light cut across the sky. Mr. Tanimoto has a distinct recollection that it traveled from east to west, from the city toward the hills. It seemed like a sheet of sun. John Hersey, from Hiroshima, p8 On August 6, 1945, the world changed forever. On that day the United States of America detonated an atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima. This was something a little bigger then an ordinary bomb yet it could do so much more destruction. It could rip down houses, walls like a wrecking ball. In Hiroshima this atomic bomb killed 100,000 people mostly civilians and in Nagasaki three days later it killed 40,000 people. The Japanese government surrendered. The rest of the world rejoiced as the most destructive war in the history of mankind came to an end. Over the course of the next forty years, these two bombings, and the nuclear arms race that followed them would, come to have a direct or indirect effect on almost every man, woman and child on this earth, including the people in the United States. The atomic bomb would penetrate every fabric of American existence, from our politics to our educational system, our industry and our art. Historians have gone so far as to call this the ato mic age for the way it has shaped and guided world politics, relations, and culture. After the war, the first real piece of literature about the bombings came in 1946. The work Hiroshima, by John Hersey, first appeared as a long article in the New Yorker, then shortly after in book form. This book is a non-fiction account of the bombing of Hiroshima and the immediate aftermath. It is told from a point of view of six hibakussha’s, survivors of the atomic blast. In four chapters he traces how these people survived the blast and what they did in following weeks and months to pull their lives together and save their families. The book takes on a tone of sympathy and survival that these people were lucky enough to survive the blas... Free Essays on Hiroshima Free Essays on Hiroshima Hiroshima John Berger’s argument about Hiroshima really affected me when I was reading it. The way he used the real life examples, really touched my emotions. When I was reading about the child trying to put water into her dead mother’s mouth, I could picture it in my head, and I couldn’t believe it. I believe that John was trying to tell us, that in a war, too many people who have nothing to do with the war that are getting hurt. They are just in the wrong places at the wrong time and they are getting dragged into the war when it really has nothing to do with them. When we bombed Hiroshima, it is true that we did stop the war, but it had so many long term effects on the people that lived there. Berger writes, â€Å"The latter included long, lingering deaths, radiation sickness, many fatal illnesses which developed later as a result of exposure to the bomb, and tragic genetical effects on generations yet to come†(594). Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki ruined many innocent people’s lives, and I believe that is the point John Berger is trying to get across. John Berger sounds like he is regretful that the bombing had to affect so many people. He is not scared to tell us what he thinks about it, and that is why he comes off so strongly. By Berger giving us his point of view, he also brings up some controversial issues. Berger writes, â€Å"The two bombs dropped on Japan were terrorist actions†(595). Many people in the world saw the bombings as a way to get back at Japan for attacking us at Pear Harbor. Others would agree with Berger, but by him strongly expressing his opinion, he is allowing for people to disagree with him. When you go to war, you my hurt many more people need to. I think that Berger wants us to imagine someone that we love or care for in the war, and to picture them getting hurt or dying. It is easy to say â€Å"let’s go to war† but when there is someone you know that is in the war it is a l... Free Essays on Hiroshima â€Å"Then a tremendous flash of light cut across the sky. Mr. Tanimoto has a distinct recollection that it traveled from east to west, from the city toward the hills. It seemed like a sheet of sun. John Hersey, from Hiroshima, p8 On August 6, 1945, the world changed forever. On that day the United States of America detonated an atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima. This was something a little bigger then an ordinary bomb yet it could do so much more destruction. It could rip down houses, walls like a wrecking ball. In Hiroshima this atomic bomb killed 100,000 people mostly civilians and in Nagasaki three days later it killed 40,000 people. The Japanese government surrendered. The rest of the world rejoiced as the most destructive war in the history of mankind came to an end. Over the course of the next forty years, these two bombings, and the nuclear arms race that followed them would, come to have a direct or indirect effect on almost every man, woman and child on this earth, including the people in the United States. The atomic bomb would penetrate every fabric of American existence, from our politics to our educational system, our industry and our art. Historians have gone so far as to call this the ato mic age for the way it has shaped and guided world politics, relations, and culture. After the war, the first real piece of literature about the bombings came in 1946. The work Hiroshima, by John Hersey, first appeared as a long article in the New Yorker, then shortly after in book form. This book is a non-fiction account of the bombing of Hiroshima and the immediate aftermath. It is told from a point of view of six hibakussha’s, survivors of the atomic blast. In four chapters he traces how these people survived the blast and what they did in following weeks and months to pull their lives together and save their families. The book takes on a tone of sympathy and survival that these people were lucky enough to survive the blas... Free Essays on Hiroshima Hiroshima: Right or Wrong? The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. Today many argue over whether or not the US should have taken such a drastic measure. Was it entirely necessary that we drop such a devastating weapon? Yes, it was. First, look at what was going on at the time the decision was made. The U.S had been fighting a massive war since 1941. Each side continued to fight, and both were determined to win. Obviously, the best thing that could have possibly have happened would have been to bring the war to a quick end, with a minimum of casualties. What would have happened had the -bomb not been used? The most obvious thing is that the war would have continued. U.S forces would have had to invade the home island of Japan. Imagine the number of casualties that could have occurred if this would have happened Also, our forces would not only have to fight off the Japanese military, but they would have to defend themselves against the civilians of Japan as well. It was also a fact that the Japanese government had been equipping the commoners with any kind of weapon they could get their hands on. It is true that this could mean a Japanese citizen could have anything from a gun to a spear, but many unsuspecting soldiers might have fallen victim to a surprise spear attack! The number of deaths that would have occurred would have been much greater, and an invasion would have taken a much longer period of time. The Japanese would have continued to fight the US with all of what they had; spears, guns, knives, whatever they could get their hands on, just as long as they continued to fight the enemy. One such novel that displayed the horrors of the atomic bomb is that of HIroshima by John Hersey. Hersey displays to the reader the true horror of the atomic bomb and it’s potential devastations. On the morning of August 6, 1945, the people were going about their normal business oblivious to any possibility of an at...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Media Manipulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Media Manipulation - Essay Example Those people oppose to the media argue that the media has failed to play its designated role in society. Nonetheless, today, it is clear that the media as shifted from its role as a tool for information, and has become a major tool for manipulation in society. The advancement of technology has allowed for the widening of the media. Today, there is media forms include books, newspapers, television, radio, internet, and movies, among many others. Therefore, people today are exposed to a variety of information sources; hence, there is a flood of information from different media, directed to the public. Furthermore, since the media is in business, the different media forms are in a competition. This competition has contributed to the divergence of the media from its ideal role as a tool for information. Although there is an overflow of information in society, people are hungry for the truth. This is because, the media, which should ideally be a source of true information, is owned by ind ividuals, who are only interested in pursuing their interests through the media. For this reason, the media ceases to be a tool for information, and becomes a tool for manipulation. There is a high level of manipulation and bias in the media today. According to the Centre for Research on Globalization